Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Doors Open 6:00 pm
Meeting starts 6:30 pm
Mix & Mingle afterwardsCHAMBER ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGDescription
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19th at 6:30 pm at the Venables Theatre in the lobby. (Doors open at 6:00 pm)
There is no charge to attend the AGM and the meeting will be followed with some mix and mingle. Please RSVP to admin@sochamber.ca so we can prepare accordingly.
We are also looking for Nominations for the Board for the 2025/26 term. Our Chamber is very active in the community and we need a few more board members to help us achieve our goals and mandate. As per our BYLAWS, Nominations need to be received by Thursday, March 13 at 9:00am.
Here are just a few of our priorities:
*Advocating for businesses and organizations in our region.
*Business networking, connecting, and referrals.
*Communication, collaboration, and capacity building through the sharing of information, resources, and training.
If you would like to be part of the Support Local efforts and help to create an environment where your colleagues, businesses, and entrepreneurs can thrive please do reach out to have a conversation with us. The person must be a SO Chamber Member in good standing and available to participate in regular board meetings, events, and Chamber initiatives throughout the year. (approximately 3 to 5 hours per month).
Please email manager@sochamber.ca for more information and to receive the nomination paperwork.
Thank you to all of you for being part of our Chamber. We look forward to seeing some of you soon!Tell a Friend
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