These member-driven evening events occur throughout the year.
They take place at member businesses throughout our region and provide great opportunities for connecting and reconnecting with other businesses.
In today's digital world, it is a nice change to connect with other business owners and staff in person to have a conversation about how things are going for them and to find out a good tip or two.

Together we are stronger.
Visit our Calendar to find out when the next one is. If you would like to host one of these monthly Business Networking events, please contact the Chamber at 250-498-6321.
Basic guidelines:
Sponsor and Host Responsibilities:
Provide a venue that can comfortably hold 30 - 50 people from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the day of the event (Chamber Staff will begin the set up at 4:30 pm)
Provide a reception table/counter for Chamber staff to greet guests upon their arrival
Provide appetizers and beverage choices for guests or cohost with another Chamber Member or two to ensure a lively evening!
Help promote the event using your own channels and inform your clients and contacts to improve your event and company exposure
Obtain a Special Occasion Liquor License as well as Special event insurance if required* (Please provide to Chamber staff in advance)
Host MUST be a Business Growth, Community Accelerator, or Community Champion Chamber member in good standing.
Chamber Responsibilities:
Help organize and promote the event in cooperation with the host
Provide recommendations for caterers and bartenders if required
Lead the evening with announcements and introductions
Note for Attendees:
- These events are for Chamber members only, and for prospective members who are actively considering joining.
- Bring your business cards!
- Sometimes, depending on space, there is a table for you to put brochures, leaflets etc.
* It is the responsibility of the host(s) for these events to adhere to all licensing and insurance requirements of hosting special events.